Honey Butter Grilled Corn


4 Ears Corn on the Cobb

2 Tablespoons Butter

1 Tablespoon Honey

Pinch of Salt

For Spicy 1/4 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

For Citrus 1/2 tablespoon zest of lemon, lime or orange


Some prefer to shuck the corn and cook the first 15 minutes wrapped in foil, others do this first step right in the husk. Which ever you prefer start with a good hot, pre-heated grill and cook your corn 15 minutes. While it cooks mix the butter, honey and your preferred blend of seasonings and zest. After 15 minutes unwrap the corn from the husk or foil and return to the grill for 5 minutes, turning often until kernels have the desired level of char. Remove from and immediately brush generously with the butter mixture and serve hot.