Looking your best can make you feel your best too. Your hairstyle is a big part of your look. At Hair It Is in Quincy, we only do hair; that’s our specialty.

We know your hairstyle can make a big diff erence for you in many ways. Whether you are looking for a style with easier upkeep, are ready to embark on a stylish new trend or are just ready for a new look, take the time to get in to the salon. If you’re not sure what you want, you can look through some photos and we can discuss your options. We’ll take a look at your hair type and hear what kind of changes you may be looking for. With the right cut and the right products for your hair type, I can bring out the best features in your hair or help you discover a whole new look.

Making the most of your hair type 

FROM FLAT TO FRIZZY, There is help for all!

Summer can take its toll on your hair so if you are already plagued with fl at limp hair, or are bestowed with curls that have turned to frizz, there is help. While we may tend to overuse hot tools in an eff ort to remedy the situation, Lisa recommends extra conditioning services in summer!


If you want your hair to grow faster, have it trimmed regularly. Yes, we said trimmed! Lisa recommends getting hair trimmed every six to eight weeks. She explained, “It’s constantly breaking down from damage. Keeping the ends healthy makes people notice a better growth rate.”

A Special Do For a Special Occasion

 If you’re planning a wedding or other special event you want to look perfect for, Lisa offers special styling for that special occasion.

RAVISHING Color + Nourishing Conditioning

Lisa Labbé loves doing hair color. With years of experience, she is skilled at being able to bring back your natural color or can take your color to a whole new level. Rich color, body and moisture can be yours. She said when her color clients leave the salon, their hair is far more nourished than when they arrived. Gone are the days of color stripping the body and luster out of your hair. Lisa enjoys helping her clients and just the right products to suit their hair types and notes what an amazing di erence it can make when you get the right mixture.

Meet Lisa Labbé Stylist – Hair It Is Quincy, CA

Lisa has spent the last ten years as a hair stylist in Quincy. Prior to that she worked for ten years in a busy salon in the Los Angeles area. She started in the fashion business in L.A.. before taking her love of fashion and color to the hair industry. Her favorite treatment is de nitely color. She loves the way her clients look and feel after coming in. She explained that so much of the success that comes from doing hair comes from using great products, and the right ones for your particular hair type. She prides herself on keeping up with the latest products, techniques and styles, and welcomes new clients.

For an appointment with Lisa, call +1.530.283.2760