All of us here at MVL Magazine love hearing from our wide and growing readership throughout Northern California and beyond. We hear from folks all over who live in the area or have found the magazine while passing through our area, or read it online. We can’t thank everyone enough for all the great feedback. It is indeed, all of our pleasure to bring you your local, NorCal magazine.

It is also our great pleasure to stop and salute our military. A recent stop in Indian Valley led us to meet Dove Leathers, who we recently met at Safeway in Quincy. We were filling the magazine rack there. She asked, “Is that the new one coming out? I send it to my daughter.” Our conversation led us to know that her daughter is in the service. Her mom said she gets homesick, loves local photos and enjoys reading Mountain Valley Living Magazine. Leathers serves on Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean. As she looks out her door to the picturesque views of the ocean right next to her porch, we are happy to hear she has a magazine at her side to remind her of home right here in (also picturesque) Indian Valley.

To each and every member of our armed forces serving locally and around the world, we thank you for your service and we are honored to salute you, and your dedication to protecting and serving our country.