From Matt and Jamie at

SIERRASCAPES Landscape Design

Now that the summer sun begins it slow departure into winter, it is once again time to consider those late summer and fall landscape projects. The following suggestions will hopefully save you a few bucks and some time in preparation for next years landscape season.

If you have been contemplating contacting a Landscape Contractor, now is the best time to do so. During the slower fall months, landscape contractors traditionally have a little more time to devote to meeting new clients and assisting in landscape design. The meeting is also a great way to get ideas and possibly design suggestions for planning your spring landscape projects. You may also want to consider utilizing a landscape contractor during the fall as prices sometimes are reduced as demand slows. So give your local landscaper a call!

Take advantage of the fall sales that nurseries typically have and purchase those trees, shrubs and plants you’ve been thinking of buying all summer season. Make sure to get shrub disease prevention tips at the store you’re buying your shrubs at, as they’re prone to all kinds of trouble. In addition, fall is also a great time for planting just about anything. Planting now allows the plants to adjust to the soil and other conditions before going dormant. Fall planting also provides for a more established landscape come spring and early summer. So enjoy next summer a little more by planting now!

Prepare your lawn for next season by aerating and fertilizing in the fall. Now is a great time to give your lawn the nutrients it will need to survive the cold months ahead and spring back to a beautiful green once the spring snow thaws. The holes created by aerating allow your grass to receive extra oxygen, fertilizer and water. Also, don’t forget to get those leaves off the lawn during the fall and winter months. A spring lawn trying to grow underneath a blanket of leaves will tend to struggle into the summer months. If you are interested in installing a sod or seed lawn, early fall is a great time to get this done. Just like fall planting, fall lawn installation will give your grass a jumpstart come spring. A little extra time spent on your lawn this fall pays great rewards come next landscape season.

Make sure your irrigation system is properly turned off once the weather becomes consistently ugly and the temperature routinely drops into the 30’s. As a landscape contractor, an unfortunate amount of our spring phone calls are for irrigation systems that froze during the winter and are now creating big spring headaches. Turning off your irrigation clock is the first step, but making sure the water source to your irrigation system is turned off is the most important step. If you are unsure or have questions regarding the proper techniques for successfully turning off your system for the winter, call your local landscape contractor.

Late summer and fall are great times to either start a few late season landscape projects or prepare for a successful spring landscape season. Which ever it may be, get out there and take advantage of the cooler days and better deals that you can get from nurseries and landscape contractors. If anything, take some time and enjoy the fall colors your landscape has to offer and bask in the tranquil beauty of your landscape.