With school quickly approaching, or for some of us with school already in session, we all need a way to kick those lazy days of summer and stay organized and on top of things. This homework station can help you do just that.

Materials Needed:

• White board

• Plastic dresser for supplies

• Clipboard(s)

• School Supplies


• Pick a designated spot that works best for you and your child for a homework station. A table or a desk works well, away from the TV so there’s less distraction. Whatever works best for you.

• Make asking for help fun. Try letting your child ring a bell each time they need your assistance. Teach them not to be afraid to ask. Asking leads to learning and greater confidence.

• Hang the whiteboard and turn it into a calendar. Place the dresser underneath it for a place to keep supplies like pencils, erasers, glue, a calculator, stapler, hole punch, paper, tape, etc.

• Turn your clipboard into a chore chart with a check off list with things like: Homework Done, Backpack Ready, Shoes and Clothes ready, 20 Minutes of Reading and or Writing, Teeth Brushed, Toys Put Away. Have your child decorate and personalize the clipboard so it’s more fun. Create a reward system. This will help a tremendous amount in motivating your child.

Reward System Ideas:

• An allowance at the end of the week for completing big chores.

• A treat or new toy or book for a week of completing the list.

• A special trip somewhere like a museum or maybe treat them to a movie for long term good behavior. The list is endless.

Get creative and personalize this for each child. Teach them that learning can be fun and rewarding. And remember that you are a constant example to your child. They learn more from what you do than what you say, so don’t forget to show them the effort you put in if that’s what you’d like to see from them. If ever your child is having troubles in a subject that you are also slow in, why not outsource the task to a service like the online IELTS course, there’s no shame in knowing your weaknesses. Spend time and enjoy the experience. You only get these moments to influence and motivate your child once.