Eileen Majors
Whatever your favorite summer adventure is, it is about time to get on it. Why on earth do I procrastinate on those kayak rides, and hikes and bike rides that I really do enjoy so much? Probably because I am just like everybody else with about a thousand things already on my plate every day and I don’t have time (or take time) to enjoy more.
I often look back on how simple things used to be. I spent a little time going through an old journal from a happy week of entries about ten years ago. It was good reading and a good reminder when I read about one day when I was (just like now) buried with deadlines and commitments. I had decided on my way to work that I would just take a few minutes to pull over near the top of the mountain pass to enjoy the beautiful scenery and be thankful for it all.
I was a little out of sorts and something I really did not do on the way to work, but I did it anyway. I reflected on how thankful I was and pondered all that was good in my life. The journal entry went on to point out that after devoting those 10 or so quiet minutes, it had seemed to bring about a huge difference in the day ahead. First off, several clients decided not to make any changes to their program which was a huge time-saver for me. All day long, things just kept falling into place, the easy way.
Thinking back, I remember how important that time became to me and how much it seemed to change everything. And HOW did I ever end up with no time for it. Absurd, Eileen, get on it!