By Christy Milan

According to, Acidifying Foods and Inflammation, nutritional research has developed a theory that separates foods into three groups. These three groups are weak acid, alkalinizing and acidifying. The foods go into a category depending how they affect the body. By the recent research posted on, it seems that the general thought is that acidic foods and some alkaline can cause the body to produce acid which in turn leads to inflammation. Inflammation in the body is a healthy response to trauma and is beneficial to healing. Inflammation that is long term is your body’s way of saying there is a condition that is not healing and continues to cause pain. Some believe that following an anti-inflammation diet will help the body avoid chronic inflammation.

The diet of most Americans is overloaded with acidic forming foods. Our bodies are able to counterbalance a certain amount of the acidity, but our diets tend to overwhelm our bodies ability to naturally buffer acids in our food. Other factors such as stress are also acid-promoting. This causes more issues of balance to deal with. There is no correct reading for the entire body. The Blood, saliva and urine have a Ph balance close to neutral and can be tested easily.

If you suspect acidic conditions and inflammation are occurring the next option is to look at the foods and acidity. Some foods that are naturally acidic are alkaline in the body. For instance, a lemon and a tangerine are both considered acidic but once inside our bodies it becomes alkaline. Finding out if foods are acidifying or alkalizing can be time consuming and confusing. Several websites offer Acid Alkaline food charts which makes it easier to choose foods that will alkalize once eaten. A good chart to download is at Of course, we do need acids to digest and protect us from pathogens. Once again balance is the key. Here are some tips that can help you on your journey.

• Take a high quality multi-vitamin. Make sure your supplement has calcium and magnesium in their most bioavailable forms, preferably plant based. Rainbow Light makes various multi-vitamins according to stage of life.

• Along with the multi-vitamin, be sure to add a good quality probiotic. Kefir has many different flavors and is a wonderful probiotic.

• Eat dark leafy green vegetables. Find various ways to cook and flavor vegetables. You are surely able to find something that helps you fill your plate with health and flavor. Adding spices and herbs can help with inflammation and add various minerals and vitamins

• Add lemon or lime to foods and beverages which alkalizes and has great flavor.

• Enjoy fresh fruits that are low in sugar. Foods that are fresh, organic and deeply colored or brightly colored are the fruits you benefit from most.

• Eat root vegetables. Slow roasted sweet potatoes, onions and leeks can optimize calcium absorption.

• Make a detox plan and rid your body of toxins like heavy metals, pesticides, etc.

• Chew your food slowly and enjoy every bite. Be mindful while eating and take time to savor the flavors of food.

If you have an existing medical condition, consult your healthcare provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and products or information are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent or any illness disease.